Portable ignitors

CE2K High Energy Ignitor products are suitable for igniting heavy oils, particulary where gas is not available or permitted by regulations, or where a high degree of reliability is essential, e. g. for flare stacks, sulphur plants, or high pressure combustion chamber burners. 

The available products are:

200-HEP-A6Z Ex FIX, suitable for hazardous area as fix application that can be easily installed on a frame support;

200-HEP-A6Z Ex POR, suitable for hazardous area as a portable solution, where the installation of a separate, permanent, high energy igniter on each boiler would be uneconomic and unpratical; The EXd IIC HE portable ignitor is fully ATEX approved with battery inside.

200-HEP-A6Z IP, suitable for safe area and is a good solution to have a ready-to-use ignition system.